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Pandemic Promo - 20% Off!!

Let's Make Good Health Contagious!

To support our retailers who are on the front lines helping to spread good health and the many benefits of Dr. Ohhira's Probiotics, EFI is offering a "Pandemic Promo" of 20 percent off on 12 items mix/match, and complimentary shipping. The promotion runs from May 10th thru June 15th and with every order we will include 25 tote bags.

EFI Tote Bag

Building and Maintaining a Healthy Immune System
Can be a Matter of Life and Death!

Information on why a high-quality probiotic is key
to a robust immune system and optimum health.

By: Fred Pescatore, MD
Scientific Advisor, Essential Formulas

I've said it before: A healthy gut is central to a healthy life, long life! Nevermore so than at this point in human history. We need to keep our gut healthy so we can keep our immune system robust- it is that simple.


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